The Teams in the Support Ministries Stream are as follows: Finance, Building Management, Data Protection, Halls Marketing & Management, HR, Catering, Communication & Technology. The remit for each team is detailed below.
Finance Team
- To support the Treasurer in carrying out his/her duties as laid down in the Constitution of the Church.
- To take responsibility for the safe and responsible stewardship of all aspects of the Church’s finances, in line with Church of Scotland regulations and Charity Law, and to ensure that Church income is used exclusively for the purposes of the congregation and the Church of Scotland.
- To prepare annual expenditure budgets after liaising with Action Teams and to present these to the Kirk Session for approval.
- To monitor income and expenditure throughout the year in comparison with budget targets.
- To ensure that Annual Accounts are independently examined or audited and presented to Presbytery and OSCR in a timely fashion.
- To ensure that the congregational accounts are received by the congregation at the Annual Meeting.
- To administer the ‘Gift Aid’ scheme on behalf of the congregation and to ensure compliance with HMRC guidelines.
- To provide and promote a variety of ways for donors to give.
Building Management Team
- To take responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of all Church premises, including the Manse, all furnishings and all equipment.
- To arrange adequate and appropriate insurance for all Church premises and assets.
- To comply with the requirements of the Local Church Review and Quinquennial Property Survey.
- To keep the Property Register and Manse Schedule updated and present them to Presbytery for annual inspection.
- To appoint contractors for works required in accordance with the Church’s Bribery & Procurement Policy.
- To ensure that the usage of utility services is monitored and that there is a regular review of utility providers.
- To ensure that appropriate cleaning services are in place.
- To ensure compliance with Health & Safety and other legislation relating to heritable property as it applies to the Church.
Data Protection Team
- To ensure that the church complies with all aspects of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and any new regulations that may be introduced in future.
Hall Marketing & Management Team
- To control and coordinate the use of the Church buildings, including core congregational use, other use by congregational members and external individuals & organisations, in accordance with Steeple Policies.
- To work with Red Pepper Events and other agencies to ensure appropriate use of the premises for external Meetings and Events.
- To set and regularly review appropriate tariffs for commercial and charity lets.
- To support the volunteer and hall lets coordinators.
- To ensure that volunteers are recruited, trained and rota’d to support usage, including set-up and reception duties.
HR Team
- To take responsibility for preparing job descriptions, advertising posts, interviewing applicants, advising the Kirk Session on appointments and issuing contracts of employment to new employees.
- To ensure that a structured process of appraisal / performance review is carried out for all employees.
- To ensure that appropriate pension arrangements are made for Church employees.
- To keep the terms and conditions of employment of Church employees under review.
- To liaise with the Finance Team on rates of pay.
- To ensure that the Church’s procedures relating to grievances and disciplinary matters are followed.
Catering Team
- To take responsibility for the safe and efficient use of all cooking/catering facilities in The Steeple Church including the kitchen and the coffee bar in Haldane Hall.
- To ensure Steeple all those involved with catering on the Steeple premises are aware of and abide by all relevant Health & Safety regulations.
- To coordinate such training as may be necessary.
Communication & Technology Team
- To optimise effective communication and information sharing within and beyond the Church family.
- To coordinate the availability and use of Steeple Video Conferencing facilities.
- To take responsibility for the availability and appropriate use of social media accounts, including the Church Websites and Youtube channel, Facebook and WhatsApp Groups and to ensure that the Church Websites remain fresh and comprehensive.
- To effectively publicise ‘outreach’ and community focused events, including via press and Dundee Council website and in collaboration with Red Pepper Events.
- To develop and implement a strategy for the live streaming of Worship Services.
- To be aware of and comply with current Data Protection regulations.