The congregation of The Steeple Church seeks to create a safe, welcoming space in our church life for everyone, with no exceptions, irrespective of age, race, nationality, gender, tradition, sexuality, ability, income or health.
We adhere to the Church of Scotland’s traditional doctrines around Jesus as the way the truth and the life, marriage and the equality of both men and women in the life and leadership of the congregation. However we recognise that our church family is ‘a broad church’ and holds together members and adherents with diverse personal views on these and other matters. We believe in fostering a community where all feel welcomed, included, respected, loved and nurtured and where the unconditional love of Jesus and the unity of all believers is demonstrable. We are committed to ensuring that debates on such subjects are held in a spirit of humility and grace and that people are respectful of those who hold opposing views. We believe in the value of mutual exploration of such matters, engaging with the Bible’s guidance and principles.
We take the individual and collective challenges posed by the recent BLM and slavery debates very seriously. A series of open Zoom meetings were held during 2020 to explore these issues together.
We strive to ensure that our church premises and activities are fully accessible to all.