Join us for services and events over the Easter period.
Wednesday 17 April 12.30 – 1pm
Lunchtime talk: ‘Christ’s words on the Cross’
(Tea/coffee from 12noon)
Friday 19 April
12noon Open Church with films & music
Easter films for children and refreshments for all the family
12.30pm Good Friday Meditation (to 1pm)
6pm ‘Drink The Musical’
(Just Bee Productions – Pay what you can)
7.30pm Good Friday Meditation (to 8pm)
Saturday 20 April 10am – 12noon
Family Playgroup – Arts & crafts, toys and snacks
for children, hot drinks and cakes for adults
Sunday 21 April 10.30am
Easter All-age service
‘Three Friends and the Miracle Man’
12.30pm Baptism (Broughty Ferry)